Anthony, Pegaret; Arnold, Janet, Costume. A General Bibliography. Revisited and enlarged edition
Published by the Costume Society, Department of Textiles, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Stoke Ferry Norfolk (Daedalus Press) 1974 (2); zuerst 1966
Katalog der Lipperheideschen Kostümbibliothek
Bd. I: A - Q (Seiten XXI + 1-594); Bd. II: R - Z (Seiten XI + 595-1167)
Neubearbeitet von Eva Nienholdt und Gretel Wagner-Neumann, Berlin (Gebr. Mann) 1965
Colas, René, Bibliographie Générale du Costume et la Mode Bd. 1: A-M, Bd.2: N-Z,
Paris (Librairie Reneé Colas) 1933
Reprint: Mansfield (Maurizio Martino) 1994 (1411 + 69 + III Seiten)
Bibliography of Costume. A Dictionary Catalogue of About Eight Thousand Books and Periodicals. Compiled by Hilaire and Meyer Hiler. Edited by Helen Grant Cushing. Assisted by Adah V. Morris,
New York (H. W. Wilson Company) 1939
Reprint: Mansfield (Maurizio Martino), 1967 (911 Seiten)
Bestermann, Theodore, A World Bibliography of Bibliographies and of Bibliographical Catalogues, Calendars, Abstracts, Digests, Indexes, and the like, 5 Vol.
Totowa, New Jersey (Rowman and Littlefield) 1965-1966 (4)
Toomey, Alice F., A World Bibliography of Bibliographies 1964-1974
Totowa, New Jersey (Rowman and Littlefield) 1977
Hier kein Stichwort "fashion", „Mode“