Arnold, Janet
-; Anthony, Pegaret, Costume. A General Bibliography. Revisited and enlarged edition
Published by the Costume Society, Department of Textiles, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, Stoke Ferry Norfolk (Daedalus Press) 1974; zuerst 1966
A Handbook of Costume
London (Macmillan) 1973
Patterns of Fashion
1: Englishwoman's dresses & their construction c. 1660-1860
2: Englishwoman's dresses & their construction c. 1860-1940
London, Basingstoke (Macmillan) 1964-1966, New edition 1977
Patterns of Fashion. The cut and construction of clothes for men and women c. 1560-1620
London, Basingstoke (Macmillan) 1985