Wilcox, Ruth Turner (1888-1970)

The Mode in Costume
New York, London (Charles Scribner’s Sons) 1942, pp vii-xxii+395

The Mode in Hats and Headdress
New York, London (Charles Scribner's Sons) 1945, pp xiv+332
*Hut, Kopfputz

The Mode in Footwear
New York (Charles Scribner’s Sons) 1948, pp 190

The Mode in Furs. The History of Furred Costume of the World from the Earliest Times to the Present
New York, London (Charles Scribner’s Sons) 1951, pp xi+257
*Pelz, Fell

Five Centuries of American Costume
New York (Charles Scribner’s Sons) 1963, pp 207

Folk and festival costume of the world
New York (Charles Scribner’s Sons), London (Batsford) 1966, pp xii+111

The Dictionary of Costume
New York (Charles Scribner’s Sons), London (Batsford) 1969, pp vi+406

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