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Il corpo rivestito
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Moda: Benjamin, Simmel, Heidegger
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Semiotics of Fashion
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Il corpo e la moda nell'immaginario sociale
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Fashion and Worldliness: Language and Imagery of the Clothed Body
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For a sociosemiotics of fashion: the look, the mundane, and ideology
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Stili corporei tra moda e grottesco
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Fashion and Worldliness: Language and Imagery of the Clothed Body
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Mass moda. Linguaggio e immaginario del corpo rivestito
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Law and the Body: Legal-Juridical Discourse and the Semiotic „Embodied“ Subject
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Sensorialità e visione nella moda e nel cinema
Calefato, Patrizia (Ed.), Moda e cinema: macchine di senso, scritture del corpo, Genova (Costa & Nolan) 1999, pp. 42-66
Segni di moda
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Vestire comunicazione
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Il linguaggio del vestire e della moda
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Fashion Theory
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Moda, corpo, mito: storia, mitologia e ossessione del corpo vestito
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englisch: The Clothed Body, translated by Lisa Adams, Oxford, New York (Berg) 2004, pp. 157
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Kleidung als Jargon: Zur Soziosemiotik der Uniform
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Einleitung: Semiotik der Kleidung
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Studi culturali e Fashion Theory nell’Italia dell’ultimo decennio, tra attivismo intellettuale e pratiche sociali
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Fashion as sign system
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Mass moda. Linguaggio e immaginario del corpo rivestito
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Manuale di comunicazione, sociologia e cultura della moda. Volume V: Performance
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Gli intramontabili. Mode, persone, oggetti che restano
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Dressing in Signs: Fashion Theory between sociosemiotics and cultural studies
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